Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Keebler Elves Arrested

Earlier today reporters here at RATM gained word of the arrest of a band of Keebler Elves on charges ranging from disorderly conduct to possession of illegal firearms. Chief of the Keebler elves had this to say about the recent event:

"These charges are wrong and unnecessary. The arrest of my kindred has substantially put a massive cut into cookie production. The prosecution better get ready for a large law suit coming their way."

We asked about the firearms, the chief Elf had no comment and jumped into a river of chocolate and swam away.

"This is not the behavior we expected from these tree-elves, and by no means do we plan to let it go lightly. These elves can expect full punishment from the law. Thier attempts to bribe law enforcement and the DA with several hundred boxes of 'El-Fudge' cookies was a futile attempt and only shows how little they think of today's laws, pardon the pun" commented FBI agent Horatio Meldino.

After more research was done on the event, our reporters were able to ascertain why the elves had apparently 'armed themselves'.

"It's the only way to protect our precious baked goods. We used up all our arrows, and our trebuchets were over-worked and breaking down. Glocks, pistols and old Winchesters were our only salvation against the enemy" stated lead Cookie Production elf Legolas.

Apparently the enemy has been identified as a rag-tag band of inner city kids lead by the notorious and battle thirsty Tony the Tiger. Authorities are still on the look out for this group and warns parents and kids alike to immediately destroy all boxes of Frosted Flakes in their household as this may attract disorderly band of rebels.

Why this war has suddenly started is not yet known. Authorities have blocked off the Keebler tree as a crime scene and have CSI working on the case as we speak. The tree, located in what is now Central Park, appears to have suffered severe damage and will take armies of elves to repair. Estimated damages lay in the equivalent of 100,000 boxes of Keebler cookies.

Stay tuned as we will post any new events on this developing story.


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